Structural Source Code Coverage: Are you working in software projects where functional safety is becoming more and more important? The use of IEC 61508, ISO 26262 or a comparable standard is around the corner or you are already in the middle of such a project? In these cases you have probably already encountered the term Structural Source Code Coverage. Many people often consider the achievement of structural coverage to be equivalent to a very high testing effort and they doubt whether the costs and benefits of this topic are in a reasonable ratio.
Tag Archive for: DO178C
Carrying out a data- and control flow analysis is required in almost all functional safety standards (ISO 26262-6 Table 7 Measures 1f/g, DO 178C Table A-7 Measure 8 and EN 50128, EN 50657Table A19 Measures3/4). In comparison to other measures, the data and control flow analysis causes a lot of questions, when it comes to the real execution. This is mainly since the technological capabilities have so far been lacking to carry out such an analysis.
The new non-intrusive system observation technology ( offers the possibility to prove data- and control flows by tests. Therefore, a systematic check can be performed in future to prove the functional completeness of the requirements. Read more
The measurement of structural source code coverage is nowadays defined as an important procedure in many functional safety standards. The non-intrusive measurement of structural coverage offers completely new possibilities in the future. For a long time, it was industry-wide consensus that structural coverage should and could only be determined in so-called white-box tests. In many textbooks, the measurement of structural source code coverage is even promoted as an independent test method. The following blog post shows why things are likely to change in the future. Read more
With the enhancement of the RTCA DO 178B to the RTCA DO 178C, four so-called supplements have been developed. These supplements of DO 178C define the conditions under which modern software development methods can be used in aerospace. If you look at the history of the RTCA DO 178, you will notice that changes to the standard are rarely made. For example, the RTCA DO178B was released in 1992. Nearly 20 years have passed before the RTCA DO178C was released. It can be assumed that the same period of time will elapse again until the standard is renewed. This is a measure of how profound and lasting the creation of the DO 330, DO 331, DO 332 and DO 333 supplements has been, which is the only way to meet this demand. The following article provides answers to the following questions:
- What modern development methods are the supplements of DO 178C concerned with?
- What are the first steps if you want to use one or more supplements?