HEICON products

We want to support the development of high quality systems and apply our knowledge in a meaningful way. Thereby the need of our customer is always the focus of our consulting activities and solution design.

HEICON – Starter

You have a short, clear-cut task with a volume of approx. 1 FTE in one of the following domains

  • Small gap analysis
  • Requirements analysis (scan 250-500 requirements, check basics, appropriate level of detail, and documented review result)
  • Different document templates (plans, specifications, verification documents)
  • Audit-Consulting (pre- and/or post-consulting)

HEICON Starter provides a fast feedback to one of your important and urgent tasks in the project

HEICON Consulting

HEICON – Consulting

Your task comes with many strategic aspects. The extent and estimated duration is between 2-3 week and one year.

It deals with one of the following subjects:

  • GAP-Analysis processes and functional safety
  • Audit Consulting with HEICON guarantee
  • Requirements analysis
  • Analysis of how development cost could be reduced
  • Consulting for functional safety processes
  • Consulting for system- and software-development processes

HEICON consulting offers experience based, high quality and meaningful consulting on a fixed price basis.

Please contact us for your individual offer.

HEICON – Services

You need skilled and experienced support to strengthen your development team. The extent of this task is between 2-3 month and one year.

Your task is about one of the following topics:

  • Preparation of planning documentation
  • Elaboration of requirements specifications
  • Writing of test specifications and execution of tests
  • Design of tool qualification packages
  • Interim project management
  • Management of development partner ( India)

HEICON Services offers correct and complete high quality artifacts. You can rely on HEICON or one of its partners to bring the knowledge and skills to answer your need.

HEICON – Training

With HEICON trainings you can acquire knowledge about a new topic in a solid and efficient way.

Our training portfolio offers you the possibility to get detailed information about a specific topic. You may order an inhouse training in your office or in an external location.

Upon request you can set the focus for your training to perfectly fit your individual needs.

Contact us to learn about possible contents and to discuss about your individual training content.

Together with our co-operation partner TAE Esslingen, we offer twice a year the seminar “Reliability and safety of embedded systems”. We design this training together with Prof. Schweiggert (university of Ulm). It is part of the official TAE portfolio.

Please contact us for any questions.

Requirements Engineering1 day
Foundations of systems- and software testing1 day
IEC 61508 – Application of the norm in daily project business2 days
ISO 26262 – Application of the norm in daily project business2 days
Introduction to RTCA DO 178C + Supplements3 days
Overview: systems development according to ARP 4754A and ARP 47611 day
Intercultural Management India1 day

HEICON – Online

Online trainings offer the possibility to quickly get an overview of a topic.

We offer regular online workshops and seminars.

In addition we post on our blog about current topics and challenges in the area of functional safety, testing, software engineering or embedded solutions.

We would be happy to design a specific HEICON online training to your individual needs. Please contact us.


HEICON Global Engineering GmbH
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Heininger
Kreuzweg 22
88477 Schwendi

Phone: +49 7353 – 98 17 81
Mobile: +49 176 – 24 73 99 60

Email: info[at]heicon-ulm.de